Java API requirements

Java Generic Application Framework can be used with Java release 1.7 or above.

We recommand using official Oracle Java VM. And we do not guarantee jGAF works properly with gcj, OpneJDK, etc. since we do not tests our softwares with these VMs.

At Plealog software office, jGAF has been tested using official Oracle Java Virtual Machine releases 1.7 and 1.8. We have the following operating systems to test the library: MacOS X Yosemite/El Capitan, Windows 10 and Linux (Redhat Fedora 21).

Feel free to use the library on any other JRE and OS, and of course contact us if you have any trouble with the library. We will be happy to help you.


API documentation

Follow this link to read Javadoc API.



Here are some pages illustrating the use of the jGAF API:

 Tutorial snippets

Sample code snippets are available on Github, right here.

Other use cases of the jGAF API

jGAF API is used by the following bioinformatics tools :